/BCO-DMO/HOT/prim_prod --Cruise eq 96-- Level 1

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#   version: 2018-05-18
#    Primary Production data
#    from monthly HOT cruises to deep-water Station ALOHA
Cruise  lon     lat    PrimProd_filename  
96      -158.0  22.75  hot89-100.pp       
Incubation_type  Date      Start_time  start_date_time      End_time  end_date_time        Time     Depth  Chl_a_mean  Chl_a_sd  Pheo_mean  Pheo_sd  Light_rep1  Light_rep2  Light_rep3  Dark_rep1  Dark_rep2  Dark_rep3  Salt      Prochl   Hetero   Synecho  Euk      Flag        
I                980810    520         1998-08-10T05:20:00  1930      1998-08-10T19:30:00  14.15    5      0.173       0.005     0.124      0.011    14.60       4.82        18.73       0.29       0.23       0.28       35.1661   191024   494230   942      370      2222222222  
I                980810    520         1998-08-10T05:20:00  1930      1998-08-10T19:30:00  14.15    25     0.192       0.014     0.155      0.005    12.61       12.00       7.32        0.27       0.29       0.26       35.1634   204649   469500   1497     353      2222222222  
I                980810    520         1998-08-10T05:20:00  1930      1998-08-10T19:30:00  14.15    45     0.107       0.003     0.108      0.010    4.96        4.73        3.47        0.16       0.21       0.17       35.1579   254031   429974   1496     387      2222222222  
I                980810    520         1998-08-10T05:20:00  1930      1998-08-10T19:30:00  14.15    75     0.163       0.002     0.181      0.004    1.81        1.90        1.85        nd         0.15       0.10       35.1569   244882   392002   1522     418      2222222222  
I                980810    520         1998-08-10T05:20:00  1930      1998-08-10T19:30:00  14.15    100    0.184       0.004     0.458      0.005    1.10        1.31        1.06        0.09       0.09       0.09       35.1690   90859    339139   33       1448     2222222222  
I                980810    520         1998-08-10T05:20:00  1930      1998-08-10T19:30:00  14.15    125    0.175       0.020     0.445      0.018    0.42        0.43        0.48        0.09       0.09       0.07       35.1559   51198    256587   83       880      2222222222  
I                980810    520         1998-08-10T05:20:00  1930      1998-08-10T19:30:00  14.15    150    0.100       0.011     0.333      0.045    0.18        0.17        0.18        0.09       0.08       0.13       35.2061   25307    214208   49       313      2222222222  
I                980810    520         1998-08-10T05:20:00  1930      1998-08-10T19:30:00  14.15    175    0.093       0.005     0.193      0.005    0.12        0.10        0.10        0.08       0.08       0.08       35.0932   27615    274099   149      514      2222222222